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  • Writer's pictureDiego A. Infante

My Thoughts on NFT Part II (8 months later)

Eight months ago, I told you what I thought about NFTs.

Since then, I've talked to countless artists (both in support and against crypto), investors, coders, writers, curators, friends, coworkers, etc. We've talked all about crypto and this world of NFTs. About the possibilities and

effects that come with it. There are nights that I can't sleep because I start writing down and sketching ideas for VR, AR, NFT, interactive technology projects, pretty exciting stuff. To be able to present my digital worlds, characters, and stories in the best and most unique ways has been a growing dream.

Now, let's talk about the big purple elephant in the room. Yes, most NFTs currently require a lot of energy to mint because of the currency they are interchanged with. But Ethereum 2.0 is right around the corner. This updated version will convert their proof of work system to proof of stake. This will drastically reduce the amount of e-waste and energy consumption.

Back when I was working at the Museum of Graffiti, I met a graffiti writer and artist by the name of LoroMasnah. Masnah showed me what he was doing with NFTs. I was blown away when I saw that he was painting his street punks on semi-hidden walls around the neighborhood. When you purchase the NFT, it gives you the location of the piece and you can physically go and see it yourself.

Thanks to him, I got to meet one of the original Crypto Punks (I forgot which one though) but he was a cool dude. Thanks to him, I also got to meet SoyFira. Fira is a Colombian crypto artist who has been featured in articles in newspapers, magazines, and sites including El Heraldo and Forbes, she's even hosted a Ted talk. And as much as I Dislike Jeff Bezos, he actually took one of her physical pieces with him to the edge of space through Blue Origin, this I thought was pretty cool. It was amazing having the opportunity to talk with her about NFTs and crypto art that evening along with Masnah, and some other major bitcoin investors.

A few months later, I got a call from the Museum of Graffiti's Art Director. An incredible artist by the name of Noah McDonough. His body of work through the years is an inspiration to me and he has taught me so many valuable skills during my time in exhibition production at the museum. He connected me with the team behind The Mambas who were looking for an artist to illustrate their token mascot.

The Mambas are creating a digital community of experts working together and sharing advice and collaborating to grow together. They're also donating a percentage of each sale to charity. Seeing how serious they were about this project, how excited they were about it and how they got things done, I decided to jump on board and take a shot at my first ever NFT collaboration.

In the coming months, I'll be exploring more NFT projects through

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